Devil's Backbone: Investigation One
This area is an investigation that comprises some 4800 acres of land that we intend on investigating as a whole. With such being the case, we are breaking this one up into sections and a lot of them!
This area is one that is known for being extremely haunted and is said to "have more ghosts than Purgatory itself." We are also looking forward to meeting Bert Wall, a known expert on Devil's Backbone History. Based upon the results of our first investigation, we would lean toward believing that there is much more activity here than we expected.
While we were not able to show all the footage, we have included the audio and some video captured during this investigation. Unfortunately, some footage was not able to be used as it revealed the location in too clear of a picture.
This area is one that is known for being extremely haunted and is said to "have more ghosts than Purgatory itself." We are also looking forward to meeting Bert Wall, a known expert on Devil's Backbone History. Based upon the results of our first investigation, we would lean toward believing that there is much more activity here than we expected.
While we were not able to show all the footage, we have included the audio and some video captured during this investigation. Unfortunately, some footage was not able to be used as it revealed the location in too clear of a picture.
Captured Audio (EVP)
The following EVP was captured prior to starting our investigation and can also be heard on our video footage that was captured. This would be one spirit that seems to be hanging around this place.
This EVP was captured while we were in a back room. What is odd about this is the fact that a car was going by while this was captured. Perhaps like someone was listening or watching?
This was captured while we were simply asking questions about the place and making a simple statement about being a great place to make friends...
In this EVP we were able to capture a direct response as our second team (with someone not on the team) entered one of the rooms. This one will require further investigation into the history of the establishment itself.
This was a weird one, but still remains a direct response of some sort. We are currently still working on establishing a connection with this one.
This audio came in response to a question about who moved a rock that generally holds the back door open. It has been witnessed that this rock floated into the air and spun around vigorously prior to just dropping back down to the ground.
This EVP is a response to a question asked by a person who was not on our team. While we edited out the question..."Do you miss Sex?" the response is pretty clear.
This is an EVP captured with a random name that we are still researching.
Devil's Backbone Video Footage
Case Conclusion
After performing an evidence review with the client we were pleased to actually be able to identify 5 of the ghosts that exist at this site. A special guest was invited who had a direct connection to one of these ghosts as they had been with each other for a number of years when he passed on. After listening to the EVP she confirmed it was indeed Robert. While this was an emotional experience for her, it helps to support that perhaps "heaven" is where the heart is and where the fondest of times were experienced.